Top Session Picks for the 2021 National Settlement Services Summit
Industry News

Top Session Picks for the 2021 National Settlement Services Summit

Amanda Farrell

The 2021 National Settlement Services Summit (NS3) is quickly approaching, and we’re looking forward to gathering safely with title professionals around the country in our home state of Florida. This year’s agenda is packed with some great sessions like The eClosing Roller Coaster, 411 on M&A, and iBuyer Buy-In. The live recording of the That Floats podcast on Thursday will end the sessions with some humorous title industry anecdotes. 

On Wednesday, some sessions on the hottest industry topics are going head to head, so it won’t be easy picking which ones to attend. Here are some of the ones we’re most excited to drop in on. For those of you who won’t be attending, check out some of the resources linked in this article to learn more and follow us on Twitter as we share news, photos, and industry insights during the conference. 


Cannabis, it’s all goood… 

Tuesday at 2:10 – 3:00 pm

Westcor Land Title Insurance’s Chief Underwriting Counsel, Richard Bramhall, and American Escrow Association’s Executive Director, Art Davis, explain how title professionals can navigate the complexities of real estate transactions involving the cannabis industry. 

Over the past few years, businesses that manufacture and sell state-approved marijuana products have made a huge impact on both commercial and residential real estate. While many states have chillaxed on marijuana usage by their residents, the federal government isn’t as mellow. The SAFE Banking Act is slowly making its way through Congress. The House voted to approve the bill in April (one day before the infamous 4/20 holiday), and it now awaits approval by the Senate. 

Some states aren’t waiting on federal approval to push title and escrow professionals into real estate transactions with the cannabis industry. Oregon Representative David Brock Smith introduced HB 2806 in the 2021 State Session to add refusing to issue title insurance to properties involved in the growing, producing, manufacturing, or selling of cannabis to the state’s list of unfair and deceptive practices.    

The session with Richard and Art promises to clear up the haze of concerns with compliance so that agents can execute these transactions without worry. 


The eClosing Roller Coaster

Wednesday at 10:00 – 10:50 am 

We’ve all heard the incredible statistics. More title and real estate professionals are adopting remote and digital closing solutions and plan to keep them around. Still, these options might not be right for every transaction or customer. 

If you’re unsure when to offer digital or traditional closing services, this session with Tim Anderson of eVolve Mortgage Services, Bill Burding from Orange Coast Title, and Jim O’Donnell from Equity National Title is a can’t miss!

Breaking down the eClosing ecosystem is the first step in understanding the tools and how to use them at each interval of the transaction. Many agents start with hybrid closings, but that can take many forms depending on the underwriters, lenders, and customers. 

If you want a crash course in RON and eClosing solutions before attending or if you won’t be making it to the conference this year, watch our webinars, Tackling the Learning Curve of Remote Closings and What You Need to Know About eClosing Solutions and RON!


RESPA’s Frequently Asked Questions

Wednesday at 11:20-12:10 pm

Leadership changes and new approaches to rule-making and rule-enforcement in regulatory agencies can leave even seasoned veterans of settlement services with questions. Get the answers in this session with Brian Levy and Mitch Kider. 

Before her departure, former CFPB Director Kathleen Kraninger released a two-volume report evaluating regulatory frameworks, including recommendations on modernizing industry regulations. Attendees can hear her speak on the final day of the conference.


Related Reading: Strategies to Grow Your Title Company Amid Unpredictable Regulations


411 on M&A

Wednesday at 1:30 – 2:30 pm 

Planning for a merger or acquisition is an important part of any business to ensure its longevity. In the title industry, there are some unique considerations before embarking on the journey to find the right buyer or partner to expand your business. 

This session featuring Bobbie Babitz Armstrong from Britehorn Securities, Aaron Kanter of Tempo Title, and Sterbow Law Group’s Marx Sterbow will prepare executives and owners to sell or purchase a title business. 

While you’re traveling to the conference, listen to some of the advice from the experts at Title Success Solution, Marcus Hunt and Pat Smith, about integrating two cultures and measuring the success of a merger or acquisition. 


Related Webinar: Designing an Exit Strategy for Your Title Business


Cybersecurity: Staying Diligent

Wednesday at 2:40 – 3:30 pm 

Real estate professionals are a prime target for cybercriminals, and their tactics to getting to the funds are ever-changing. Tom Cronkright, CEO of CertifID, and Steven Doughtrey, Cyber-enabled Financial Fraud Investigator, will share real-life stories of cyberattacks.

We recently hosted a Q&A session with Tom about cybersecurity. He shared his brush with a wire fraud attack and how title agents can provide more education to everyone involved in the transaction. 


Related Reading: With New Technology Comes New Cybersecurity Concerns 

Cybersecurity: How to Protect Yourself Before It’s Too Late

How Cybercriminals use Email Spoofing to Commit Wire Fraud 


If you haven’t registered yet, you can still get your tickets here. Please stop by our booth to say hi and tell us which sessions you’re most excited to see this year. 

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Amanda Farrell Content Marketing Strategist

Amanda Farrell is a digital media strategist at PropLogix. She enjoys being a part of a team that gives peace of mind for consumers while making one of the biggest purchases of their lives. She lives in Sarasota with her bunny, Buster, and enjoys painting, playing guitar and mandolin, and yoga.