In a world where you can watch the delivery driver turning onto your street with your Pad Thai order, pay for your coffee without ever pulling your wallet out, or get almost anything you could ever need delivered in two hours – it’s no surprise that our expectations are sky high for fast services and convenience.
By contrast, the title and settlement industry still struggles with slow processes, poor communication, and a lack of transparency. The gap between how consumers are used to getting what they need when they need it, and the often opaque transaction process is huge.
CloseSimple co-founders Paul Stine and Bill Svoboda join me in this episode to talk about how you can begin closing that gap by evaluating and improving your customer experience with more transparency and better communication.
- 5 Ways to Reduce the Number of Questions from Realtors [Blog]
- Driving More Business with Better Customer Service [Podcast]
- Two Customer Surveys Title Companies Should Use [Blog]
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Guests: Paul Stine, CloseSimple
Bill Svoboda, CloseSimple
Host: Lindsey Gordon, PropLogix